Atlanta Patients of Dr. Frank Roach Achieve Whiter Teeth Through GLO Treatments

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Dr Frank Roach Dr Frank Roach

For years, Dr. Frank Roach of Atlanta has been recognized as one of the state’s most accomplished and sought-after dentists who serves as a role model to his industry peers. Helping patients achieve their healthiest and whitest smiles, Dr. Roach employs GLO whitening treatments in-office as well as provides at-home kits for those who prefer it. 


For decades, Dr. Frank Roach has provided exceptional dental care to patients in the Atlanta area, employing the latest technological breakthroughs and procedures to ensure optimal care. Today, he provides his patients access to GLO teeth-whitening treatments from his offices, giving them the ability to remove stains during their office visits or on their own at home.


“The GLO teeth-whitening brand is one of the easiest and most effective treatment procedures

available,” says Dr. Frank Roach. “It uses a powerful combination of light and gel that together erase years of discoloration while remaining extremely gentle on teeth.”


GLO treatments are industry-leading methods of removing stains from a variety of causes, no matter the level of tooth discoloration. Each patient may require a different whitening concentration and treatment amount, depending on how susceptible to stains their teeth are and what their hygiene has been like. Regardless, everyone’s teeth naturally become yellower over time due to both internal and external factors and will likely need whitening treatments. 


“There are a number of reasons for tooth discoloration, and that includes eating and drinking beverages high in acid or that have especially dark pigments, like coffee and soda,” says Dr. Frank Roach. “Smoking cigarettes or cigars will also cause discoloration, but teeth slowly

lose the ingredients that keep them white over time anyways. Certain illnesses and side effects from medications can also leave their mark on teeth.” 


What we eat and drink, plus external factors like those Dr. Frank Roach mentioned, cause stains on the enamel, or the outer layer of the tooth. This discoloration can take place gradually over years or suddenly, but powerful GLO whitening kits quickly remove enamel stains in only a few treatments. However, certain habits can cause internal tooth discoloration, which affects the layer beneath the enamel, called the dentin. Dentin stains are more difficult to remove than surface stains, but GLO whitening treatments target both layers for optimal results. 


The secret behind the effectiveness of GLO treatments is the combination of heat and light within the device mouthpiece that accelerates the reaction rate of the whitening gel. Each treatment only lasts for around 8 minutes, which ensures that patients with tooth sensitivity can enjoy whitening benefits, too, without discomfort. 


“All of the gels in GLO brand-name products are made from hydrogen peroxide, which is a safe

and effective solution for removing stains without any bothersome side effects,” says Dr. Frank

Roach. “Patients couldn’t ask for a faster, safer, and more effective whitening treatment.” 


