Eliseo Delgado Explains How Recent Advances in Artificial Intelligence Affect Modern Workers

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Eliseo Delgado Artificial Intelligence Affect Modern Workers Eliseo Delgado Artificial Intelligence Affect Modern Workers
Eliseo Delgado

Computer engineer Eliseo Delgado has spent the past ten years reviewing consumer products and reporting on the latest advances in technology. He shares his savviness and insight with readers on the latest advances in artificial intelligence and how they affect the modern workplace.

A graduate from the New York University Tandon School of Engineering, computer engineer Eliseo Delgado has worked with a range of tech advances in his career and is an authoritative voice on topics like artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Below, he helps readers understand some of the recent advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning and how it’s affecting contemporary employees.

“We’ve worked alongside machines since the Industrial Revolution, but only in the last couple of decades have we introduced machine learning to the workplace,” says Eliseo Delgado. “This new element ultimately helps researchers, engineers, clinicians and other professionals perform work more efficiently and enhance their output.”

Artificial intelligence allows professionals to do things like process massive amounts of data quickly and expedite services, which in turn enables them to provide answers or assemble information much more quickly. While engineers aren’t giving machines the total cognitive representation of the human mind, they allow them to think and act like humans under certain conditions, especially by using tools and problem-solving skills to improve processes.

“Through artificial intelligence, we can teach machines to perform a range of cognitive tasks as well as task advanced machinery with increasingly difficult manual tasks,” says Eliseo Delgado. “These enhancements will help propel a lot of careers to be more productive, but it will also have adverse effects on certain positions or job fields.”

Increased productivity and lowered costs thanks to advances in artificial intelligence will benefit society overall but may impact individual workers or specific fields in negative ways. Industries like commercial truck driving are likely to replace human workers with AI self-driving vehicles. Many factory positions have already seen their workers replaced by more efficient machines that can provide seemingly unlimited output.

However, machine learning has improved other industries such as education and medicine in dramatic ways. In education, artificial intelligence can be used to improve curriculum, automate basic activities like grading, and provide students with support and tutoring. In medicine, improved algorithms and artificial intelligence can help diagnose diseases and conditions more accurately as well as assist during procedures, freeing up time for doctors and surgeons.

“AI has the potential to replace certain roles, but it can also assist those with specialized positions who may not have other human candidates in the field to turn to,” says Eliseo Delgado.

Artificial intelligence empowers the workplace in new ways and helps accomplish feats that would otherwise be unattainable, and it’s proving to be a necessary tool for progress.

