Ibrahim Jutiar Hakki on Kurdistan’s Future

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Ibrahim Jutiar Hakki Florida Efforts for Kurdistan’s Future

No part of the world has faced more troubles than Iraq in the past two decades, and there are many open questions among politicians, diplomats, generals, and aid workers about the future of this imperiled nation. One issue that arises is the autonomy of the Kurdish people, an ethnic group culturally and linguistically separate from the Arabic majority, and whether they ought to be given the freedom to exist as their own nation, Kurdistan. The efforts of Ibrahim Hakki have helped to push this dream further towards reality.

Ibrahim Jutiar Hakki Florida Discusses Travel

In the summer of 2019, Ibrahim Jutiar Hakki Florida traveled to the region of northern Iraq where the Kurdish minority has created their own nearly-separate nation. Between September and November, he had the opportunity to speak at the Nobel Institute in  Erbil, a city about 220 miles north of Baghdad. This university, a key center of learning in Kurdistan, invited Ibrahim to speak about a number of subjects related to Iraqi-American cooperation. Ibrahim Jutiar Hakki Florida time spent in Kurdistan revealed a great deal of pro-American sentiment, with great interest in aspects of American culture from science to movies, and a major desire for many of the students to travel to America and to experience American culture up close for them. 

Ibrahim Jutiar Hakki Florida Discusses Kurdistan

The future of Kurdistan is very much in flux. While the United States has depended on the Kurdish ethnic minority of Iraq ever since the invasion in 2003, it has also had to balance the political interests of Turkey, a key regional and NATO ally, in which Kurdish independence is a very taboo subject. Politicians and diplomats have called on the United States to support Kurdish independence, yet the Kurds themselves have not laid out a political map for independence from Iraq and the establishment of a self-sufficient nation. As such, it remains up in the air whether Kurdistan will ever go from an ethnic dream to political reality. The situation is further complicated by the influence of other neighboring nations, such as Iran, where ethnic and religious groups have an eye towards scooping up the remnants of Iraq’s fragmentary government.

Ibrahim Jutiar Hakki Florida is working to change the future of Kurdistan. As a member of the Global Alliance for Tremainating Asis (GAFTA), he has helped to develop websites and PR campaigns on behalf of pro-Kurdish organizations. Aside from global politics, Ibrahim Hakki’s hobbies include basketball and music production.

