Jorge Marquez, Health Aficionado Explains Gluten’s Adverse Effects

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Jorge Marquez Gluten’s Adverse Effects Jorge Marquez Gluten’s Adverse Effects

Jorge Marquez is an advocate for healthy eating.  He sheds light on the dangers of gluten.


Jorge Plaza Marquez

“Gluten sensitivity doesn’t always include abdominal distress. It often causes adverse effects like fatigue, anemia, flu-like symptoms, Brain fog, skin issues, and aching joints. Many people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity do not know if they have the disorder.


“Gluten can cause intestinal disruption, which is known as a leaky gut syndrome. Leaky Gut Syndrome’s ability to dismantle the immune system and cause numerous illnesses and disorders is mainly due to the inflammatory response.”


Jorge Marquez continued, “Leaky gut is nothing new.  Decades ago, medical professionals referred to it as intestinal permeability and understood fractions of its ability to cause illnesses. The natural functioning of our intestinal wall is to allow nutrients to pass through, but with Leaky gut, large openings enable dangerous substances to enter the bloodstream. 


“Wheat has two protein compounds, which are gliadin and gluten.  The gliadin is the main cause of intestinal perforations and inflammation throughout the body.  When Gliadin enters the intestines, they escape into the bloodstream, causing the body’s immune response to go into overdrive.  The body detects these gliadin proteins as foreign substances and tries to attack the proteins, which in turn can cause inflammation, autoimmune disorders, and many other dangerous side effects.  


“Brain disorders like autism, epilepsy, psychosis, and dementia can be exacerbated with gluten intake. Many people who alleviate gluten from their diet find remarkable improvement from these disorders and some are even free from there disorders altogether. 


“Gluten alternatives are readily available in all major grocery stores and chains. If you want to make your own gluten-free versions of food, try zucchini or beet noodles for a delicious pasta replacement, or sprouted seed crackers instead of saltines, and if you’re in desperate need for bread or baked goods, recipes are simple. You can swap out almond flour for wheat flour in most recipes.”


Jorge Plaza Marquez is an amateur chef with an interest in creating recipes for specific dietary needs. He recently began crafting Ketogenic, Paleo and Vegan fare that is not only delicious but chock full of nutrient-dense ingredients.

