Rosemary Barclay Explains the Difference Between Good and Bad Carbohydrates

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Rosemary Barclay Rosemary Barclay

Certified nutritionist, Rosemary Barclay of Old Lyme, CT, explains how you can get the most out of your carb intake. 

Despite what many popular dieting fads may say, carbohydrates are an essential component of our diet. They provide energy by converting carbs into blood glucose and energy storage in the form of glycogen for muscle . Certified nutritionist Rosemary Barclay of Old Lyme, CT, explains that a lack of carbs can lead to unfavorable side effects, including fatigue, nausea, and depression.

Eating complex carbohydrates is the key to staying healthy and energized. When food is high in fiber it takes longer to digest before releasing glucose. Complex carbohydrates are often filled with more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Their slow-release energy will keep you going all day without sugar or mood crashes. This in turn means less of a spike in insulin release and more slow release of insulin. 

The best carbohydrates are derived from simple, natural sources. If your carbs come from a box, chances are it’s not as healthy as vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Rosemary Barclay of Old Lyme, CT, also suggests incorporating whole grains, oats, beans, and grains such as quinoa for a healthy diet.

Adversely, simple carbohydrates contain natural sugars that are digested by the body quickly. They cause a spike in energy and sugar levels, followed by a quick decline. Rosemary Barclay of Old Lyme, CT, suggests avoiding processed and refined foods like pastries, white bread, soda, ice cream, and white sugar.  

Simple carbohydrates usually offer little to no nutritional value and can be marketed as healthy options. Rosemary Barclay of Old Lyme, CT, recommends reading the ingredient list of all grocery store products. The fewer ingredients a product has, the better. Packaged, processed foods usually have a long shelf life and contain unhealthy additives such as trans fats, sodium, and refined sugars like high fructose corn syrup.

Identifying bad carbohydrates will allow you to make better choices without giving up foods you love. All carbs are not created equal, so make sure you load up on the right ones!

About Rosemary Barclay of Old Lyme 

Rosemary Barclay believes that nutrition is fundamental to good health, and affects many facets of well-being, including the skin, energy, immunity, mood, and performance. She is the founder and owner of the Bonne Santé Wellness Center in Old Lyme, CT, which offers solutions to problematic skin without the use of antibiotics or harsh chemicals.

She earned a bachelor’s degree and a Ph.D. in biochemistry in addition to becoming a board-certified nutrition specialist, certified esthetician, and acne specialist. Rosemary Barclay lives with her family in Old Lyme, CT.

