Rosemary Barclay Recommends Controlling High Blood Pressure with DASH Diet

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Rosemary Barclay Rosemary Barclay

Stop Hypertension by using a dietary approach explained by Rosemary Barclay of Old Lyme, CT.

Pharmaceutical medications prescribed by your doctor can help lower blood pressure, but there are other, more natural approaches available. Rosemary Barclay, the founder, and owner of the Bonne Santé Wellness Center in Old Lyme, CT., believes that the DASH diet can offer lifelong treatment for high blood pressure, a condition also known as hypertension. DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, and consists of a plan focused on proper portion sizes and nutritional foods that aid in lowering blood pressure.

According to Rosemary Barclay of Old Lyme, CT., the DASH diet may be able to reduce your blood pressure significantly within weeks, significantly impacting your overall heart health. In addition to lowering blood pressure, the DASH method can also be used for cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and stroke prevention.

One key component of the DASH diet is to reduce sodium levels. The standard option allows you to consume up to 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day. The lower sodium option allows for up to 1,500 milligrams per day. Rosemary Barclay of Old Lyme, CT., notes that sodium levels in both programs are lower than what is found in the standard American diet. Consult your doctor to find out what sodium level is appropriate for you.

Rosemary Barclay supports the DASH diet because it is centered around whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products. In addition fish, chicken, turkey, nuts, and seeds are good protein sources. The DASH method is low in saturated fat, trans fat, and total fat. Luckily, for those who love sweets and red meat, the diet allows for small increments of each. It’s easier to stick to a diet when you don’t have to give up everything you love entirely!
Overall, the DASH diet calls for 6 to 8 servings of grains per day in addition to 4 to 5 servings of both fruits, vegetables and meats. Rosemary Barclay of Old Lyme, CT., notes that whole grains have more fiber and nutrients than refined grains. Stick to quinoa, wild rice and oat cereals. Vegetables don’t always have to be side items. Consider meatless options or eating a few servings of vegetables over chickpea or lentil noodles for a main course. Rosemary Barclay of Old Lyme, CT., recommends packing freshly cut fruits as a snack paired with a spoon of low-fat yogurt.
Additionally, the DASH diet calls for 2 to 3 servings of dairy, 6 ounces of lean meat, and 2 to 3 servings of fats per day. Rosemary Barclay also recommends incorporating 4 to 5 servings of nuts or seeds per week. Occasional sweets are acceptable as treats although be mindful of the fact that sugar is not a nutrient!

Always consult nutritional advice from a certified health professional.

About Rosemary Barclay

Rosemary Barclay believes that nutrition is fundamental to good health, and affects many facets of well-being, including the skin, energy, immunity, mood, and performance. The Bonne Santé Wellness Center in Old Lyme, CT, offers solutions to problematic skin without the use of antibiotics or harsh chemicals.
She earned a bachelor’s degree and a PhD in biochemistry in addition to becoming a board-certified nutrition specialist, certified esthetician, and acne specialist. Rosemary Barclay lives with her family in Old Lyme, CT.

