Tips for Time Management in Business with Stephanie Morgan Lewiston

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Time management is essential for every businessperson and Stephanie Morgan Lewiston has gotten the skill down to a science.

Stephanie Morgan Lewiston - Tips for Time Management
Stephanie Morgan Lewiston Tips for Time Management

There is always something that can be done. For many businesspeople, there is usually a laundry-lists of tasks to be completed. However, regardless of a businessperson’s success, schedule, or availability, there never seems to be enough time to get everything finished. There is always too much to do and too little time to do it in.

Fortunately, Stephanie Morgan Lewiston has tried it all, so you do not have to. While turning back the clock or adding a few more hours in a day is impossible, time management is not.

Here are the top time-management tips from a renowned businesswoman, Stephanie Morgan Lewiston.

Plan Ahead

Having a plan is always a good start when embarking on any journey. Therefore, it makes sense that developing time-management skills would not be any different. Making time for different tasks throughout the day or week helps to make a busy schedule manageable.

Plus, it gives the planner both a big picture and a task-by-task analysis of what they must accomplish. Planning helps to keep on top of deadlines and gives business people a way to mentally prepare for the days ahead.

Additionally, while planning, make sure time is carved out for meals, unexpected tasks, and timeframes for planning your next week. Also, overestimate the time it takes to perform a task. It is rare that tight time-schedules remain intact. It is much better to be done early than to get backed up.


Stephanie Lewiston Says Take One Step at a Time

Time-management is also creating project management. For bigger projects, set up smaller milestones throughout the project, so that you are not overwhelmed. This way, instead of taking on a three-hour project, you are taking on three one-hour projects.

This will give you a sense of accomplishment and help you stay motivated to continue onto the next task.


Delegate Tasks Accordingly

Often, people forget to delegate. They feel they need to be the person with their finger on the pulse of every portion of every project. This is not the case. Knowing how to delegate to get the best result possible is a far greater skill than doing everything yourself.

The point is to get it done and truthfully, there is always going to be a more capable person. Using teamwork to get ahead is far less stressful and far more productive than trying to do everything by yourself. Help your team but also, ask your team to help you.

It might feel awkward at first but often, people do not know how to help. If they are asked to help and given direction, they will be happy to assist.

To close, businesspeople are always searching for a more efficient way to complete their many responsibilities effectively. There are many different tactics that work for different people. However, the tips that Stephanie Morgan Lewiston shares are simple and easy to prepare. Give them a try and enjoy a better work/life, time-managed existence.

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