4 Yoga Stretching Methods with Katsia Lord

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Katsia Lord Katsia Lord

Get the most out of stretching by incorporating Katsia Lord’s variety of methods into your weekly routine.

When people stretch, muscle fibers relax and lengthen. Those muscle fibers consist of tens of thousands of myofibril strands, each made of bands called sarcomeres. Experienced yoga instructor, Katsia Lord, explains that stretching activates every small muscle group to provide benefits to our nervous system and body. By using a multi-faceted stretching technique, you can rest assured that all areas will be positively impacted to leave you feeling refreshed and free.


With the dynamic stretching method, you warm up a particular muscle group before leaning deeper into the stretch. Katsia Lord recommends moving different parts of your body while gradually increasing your reach, speed, or both. You will engage in controlled arm and legs swings that will push you to the limits of your range of motion. 

Katsia Lord notes that with the dynamic technique, there should be no bouncing or fast, jerky movements that could cause injury. Because you are moving through a full range of motion, this method is ideal for a gentle warm-up before exercising. 

Static: Active and Passive

Static stretching requires you to hold a pose or stance for some time. Katsia Lord explains that static-active stretching involves holding that position with no assistance by only using your agonist muscle groups. It is beneficial because it increases active flexibility while strengthening your muscles. Although challenging, Katsia Lord notes that you should only hold the pose for 10 to 15 seconds. 

Static-passive stretching is also known as relaxed stretching because you have assistance holding your pose. Whether you use a partner, apparatus, or even your hand, it’s much easier to stay put and stretch out. Katsia Lord recommends this method for relieving muscle spasms, post-workout fatigue, and soreness. 


Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) is best used for achieving maximum flexibility. A muscle group is passively stretched before contracting against resistance in an extended position. Then, the muscles are stretched again into the increased range of motion. 

Although it can be performed without a partner, Katsia Lord recommends pairing up to achieve the best results. To avoid injury or over-extension, rest the stretched muscle for at least 20 seconds before starting the next PNF technique. 


Katsia Lord considers Isometric stretching to be more effective than practicing passive or active stretching alone. It is used to build strength in tensed muscles while decreasing the pain that usually comes with stretching. It requires adding resistance to limbs and is not recommended for children whose bones are still growing.  Katsia Lord explains that after you get into a position for stretching the desired muscle, tense the muscle for 7-15 seconds against something that won’t move. 

About Katsia Lord:

Since 1995, Katsia Lord has dedicated herself to the practice and teaching of yoga. She believes in the many health benefits yoga has to offer and specializes in breathing techniques, body alignment, stretching, and mindfulness. 

To help everyone reach their full potential, Katsia Lord offers modifications and advanced options for experienced students. She has a gentle demeanor and creates a warm, safe environment for students in her classroom.

In her spare time, Katsia Lord enjoys dancing, traveling, and studying yoga practices. She is passionate about bringing balance, health, and happiness into the lives of others. Family life is important to Katsia Lord, who shares three lovely children with her husband, Tom Lord.

