Athletic Apex Founder and Bionetics Creator Randall Hunt Discusses Ways Everyday Athletes Can Train Like Olympians

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Randall Hunt Randall Hunt

Athletic Apex founder and Bionetics creator Randall Hunt offers his expert tips on how athletes of all skill levels can train like Olympians.

Athletic Apex founder and trainer of Olympic athletes Randall Hunt offers his expert tips for training like an Olympian. Randall Hunt is the creator of several innovative gyms as well as the inventor of the Bionetics system, which has been used by the United States Olympic Training Center.

“You don’t have to be an Olympic athlete to train like one,” Randall Hunt says. “You just have to have a solid goal in mind, and the determination to reach that goal.”

Randall Hunt created his Bionetics system to help people reach their fitness or performance goals in a way that’s tailored to their body’s individual needs. The Bionetics system includes Performance Programming, which Randall Hunt uses when training Olympic athletes and teams.

“The Bionetics system features a body assessment and specific exercise program designed to enhance and restore the body,” Randall Hunt says. “Through Bionetics, you can train and experience results just like the world’s most elite athletes.”

However, Randall Hunt understands not all athletes live near one of his Athletic Apex gyms. He explains that several other steps can be taken to train like an Olympian if you don’t have access to the Bionetics program.

“You have to be driven and specific in your training,” Randall Hunt says. “Your training needs to fit your goal. If you want to run marathons, you need to train for endurance. Whatever your goal may be, talk with experts at your local gym to make sure your training is tailored to it.”

Hunt also emphasizes that fueling your body correctly is as important as hitting the cardio machines or weights.

“Olympians aren’t counting calories or having cheat days. They’re focused on consuming the calories and nutrients they need to succeed in practice and competition,” Randall Hunt says.

Hunt explains that the personal trainers and fitness experts at Athletic Apex tailor nutrition plans to suit their client’s individual goals and needs. He describes that everyday athletes can do this at home too.

“Many people come to our gym with the idea that food is the enemy,” Randall Hunt says, “That’s not the case at all. We help our athletes understand that consuming certain foods will actually help them reach their goals more quickly. Food is an ally in the fitness world if it’s consumed properly.”

Randall Hunt‘s team is constantly helping athletes reach their fitness goals and train like Olympians, whether they’re bound for the Olympics or not. He encourages everyday athletes, including those who don’t attend his gyms, to stay focused on the end goal, train accordingly, and always fuel correctly.

