Alex Raymond is a highly successful finance professional who has spent his entire career developing his skills and working as part of winning teams. Born and raised in Catonsville, MD, Alex has always been active in his community. He started his career in finance with the goal of continuous learning and growth, which he has successfully achieved in various fields and endeavors. Alex is well-known for his financial planning, investment, and project management skills. Raymond started his career in finance at Morgan Stanley, where he worked for over 10 years. He gained invaluable experience and knowledge about finance and business management during that time. He also learned how working together as a team could create a powerful network of professionals who could offer him advice and support. Throughout his ten-year career at Morgan Stanley, he spent most of his time developing relationships, delivering custom client solutions, and honing new project management skills. As a skilled project manager in several different areas, this enabled him to take advantage of several new opportunities throughout his career.