Bishop Tracie Williams Dickey of Pittsburgh Offers 3 Tips for Lent

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Bishop Tracie Williams Dickey Bishop Tracie Williams Dickey

Lent is fast approaching. The 40-day period, which begins on Ash Wednesday, February 26, and ends on Easter Sunday, April 9, is a time of solemn observation and preparation to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Many Christians fast or give something up during this time to bring clarity to the mind and soul in this holy time of reflection. Bishop Tracie Williams Dickey of Pittsburgh, founder, and Senior Pastor at Deliverance Tabernacle Ministries Intl. offers a few tips to make the most of the Lenten season.

First, Bishop Tracie Williams Dickey of Pittsburgh suggests thinking of Lent as a marathon, not a sprint. Looking at the full 40 days can be daunting, particularly if you’ve decided to give up something that you really enjoy, such as watching TV, or sweets. However, it is more manageable if you focus on keeping your promise for each day, one at a time. Also, this gives you the opportunity to start fresh and move forward if you do happen to lapse for a day.

Next, Bishop Tracie Williams Dickey of Pittsburgh suggests making prayer and church attendance a priority. If your attendance at church has been spotty through the winter, this is a great opportunity to pick back up again and reconnect with your congregation and spiritual leaders, all of whom can support you in your Lenten journey. Also, make prayer a part of your everyday routine, like eating and washing up. This is your opportunity to connect with God, ask for His guidance, and thank him for all of His blessings. Think of it as an appointment for your soul.

Finally, Bishop Tracie Williams Dickey of Pittsburgh advises finding ways to be of service during Lent. Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are all components of Lent. Giving of your time and/or money can be a part of giving alms. You might choose to volunteer at a soup kitchen, deliver meals and groceries for someone who can’t leave their home, or tutor students in need. This service can be done individually or as a family activity. You can even involve your whole congregation in the effort.

More on Bishop Tracie Williams Dickey of Pittsburgh

Bishop Tracie Williams Dickey of Pittsburgh has a special 5-Fold Ministry which she delivers through her local church in Pittsburgh as well as International publications and speaking engagements. It is her mission to reach people from all walks of life, in all corners of the globe. A pillar of the Christian community, the God-appointed Bishop, Apostle, Prophetess, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher has spent the past several years epitomizing a life of faith and goodwill while sharing her knowledge and wisdom with others. More than a speaker, she is a Teacher and Healer, spreading faith, compassion, and light wherever she goes.

In addition to International speaking events, she shares her wisdom through print and broadcasts including The Power of Deliverance Broadcast, The A.W.A.K.E. Women’s Broadcast (Anointed Women Acclaimed For Kingdom Empowerment), and The Men on the Move Men’s Broadcast.

Learn more about Bishop Tracie Williams Dickey of Pittsburgh and her message of hope via her website:

