Brad Pyatt’s Top Tips On How To Stay In Shape During A Quarantine

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Brad Pyatt Brad Pyatt

When it comes to living your life during the quarantine that has been caused by COVID-19, building immunity is one of the most important things you can do.

While maintaining proper hygiene and handwashing routine is an absolute necessity, don’t forget to take stock of where you are in your diet and fitness regimens. “It is nearly as important as hygiene,” says Brad Pyatt, a fitness and nutrition guru who has been working with clients to achieve their top physical shape for the last ten years.

“You don’t want to be walking out of this thing like an out-of-shape sumo wrestler”, Brad Pyatt says in his typical matter-of-fact demeanor. “You want to take this as an opportunity to get yourself in a place of strength and build up that immunity. That is what is important while you stay indoors.” As if the Jocko Willink-type attitude isn’t enough, Brad Pyatt is also looking to push out his ideas in the form of an e-book that will cover the dos and don’ts of staying in shape during this quarantine period. “It’s a three-point attack plan that will make sure you get in shape and stay that way for the remainder of the quarantine.” Brad Pyatt was kind enough to give us a taste of what this attack plan will look like.

Part 1: Diet

“It’s gonna get real easy to fall back on carbo-loading that comes from stress eating.” Brad Pyatt says. According to the fitness guru, it will be important for individuals to go straight to the fruit and vegetable department after they have sanitized their carts during a grocery store run. “That kind of fiber combined with protein from your chicken and fish sources will be the ideal energy sources for the workouts you will need to be doing during the remainder of the quarantine.”

Part 2: Workouts

“A good mix of cardio and weight training can be the best thing you can do at a time like this.” Brad Pyatt says. “Nobody says you can’t run on your own outside. Lace-up your shoes and get to it.” Brad Pyatt continues. “Even if you don’t have any weights at home, pushups and situps can get you to where you need to go.” Brad Pyatt describes what he is talking about by doing a perfect pushup to plank position followed by a set of burpees. Also known as a prison workout schedule, these kinds of workouts can be done from the comfort of one’s own bedroom.

Part 3: Accountability

“Having someone there to make sure you are getting the workout in is so important.” Brad Pyatt says. This makes sense as having someone to speak to during the solitude of the quarantine period is also helpful towards one’s mental health. “Facetime and Skype are extremely powerful tools to get us some Face to Face time as well as motivation to push in the direction we need to go in.

“It’s going to be a difficult time and not all of us are gonna make it out in one piece,” Brad Pyatt says with his typical candid air. “We have to work together to make it through this.”

