Bryan Nazor Lays Out Expert Real Estate Closing Tips

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Bryan Nazor Bryan Nazor

Title closing expert Bryan Nazor shares some invaluable tips and tricks for ensuring a smooth close.


It’s no secret that real estate closings can become a nightmare-and-a-half if you haven’t properly prepared yourself and your home. Even if you’ve taken every precaution you could possibly think of, it’s entirely possible that unforeseen complications may arise at the most inopportune times. Bryan Nazor, a real estate title closing expert, was kind enough to share some of his most valuable real estate closing tips so you can do your best to not end up in a last-minute quagmire. 



  • Get a general building inspection



Getting a general building inspection is a good idea at any time to ensure the safety of those living inside. In this case, Bryan Nazor tells us, getting a general building inspection is a handy way to avoid dreaded repair disputes before closing.  By receiving an inspection, and having a real estate agent or title company provide a preliminary title report, you can review any potential issues before they become a more serious problem preventing you from closing.



  • Make sure all your documents are in order



This may seem like a no-brainer, but Bryan Nazor shares this advice with the understanding that especially during a hectic time like selling a house, it’s easy for certain things to be overlooked. By organizing all your important documents like bank statements, tax returns, etc. beforehand, you can make sure there are zero delays when it comes to finally selling your house. 



  • Pay attention to your utilities



Before you move, you’ll want to make sure that your utilities are transferred properly. Find out if there will be any gaps between the previous owner’s shut off date and your activation of services so that you can avoid any potential extra fees. Piggybacking off the last tip, Bryan Nazor reiterates: have all your information together in an easily accessible place. You should have the account numbers and information for the essentials—electric, gas, water, and so on.


  • Take the time to go over your closing paperwork 



Another seemingly obvious tip, however, Bryan Nazor wants us to know that all too often, a real estate closing will be delayed due to a fundamental misunderstanding of either the specific scenario or the process in general by either one of or both parties. After ensuring you understand the deal, take your time to go over once more the closing costs compared to the good faith estimate you were given at the start of the process. You should be personally checking to make sure the interest rate is correct, and that all agreements are reflected in the paperwork. It may seem like overwhelming work, but it’s more than worth it in the long run.


These are all pretty straightforward, yet extremely important, pieces of advice. Bryan Nazor wants you to be able to experience your closing as smoothly as possible, so don’t overlook any of the points on this list!


