CEO Richard Gurewitsch Seeks to Expand Business Relations In Underdeveloped Countries

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Richard Gurewitsch Richard Gurewitsch

In this day and age, it seems that in order to carry out a business plan, it is essential to work with a partner that has extensive resource connections in order to make things happen. Not for Richard Gurewitsch. The serial entrepreneur has made a name out of himself by looking forward to the road less traveled and taking business into countries that might not seem as developed as they are in the western world. By partnering with Cuban affiliates, Richard Gurewitsch is a trailblazer in expanding business ties to the rest of the world.

Originally from Florida, Richard Gurewitsch started LLAMACUBA in 2010 when he noticed an opportunity as a result of the United States opening up telecommunications to Cuba. “We developed a VoIP (voice over IP) platform with discounted prices in Phone calls from [the] US to Cuba to serve a sector of the Market that have been traditionally under-deserved,” said Gurewitsch noting the internationally-charged servicing reason for why he started his business in the first place. The business was a success and they were able to expand services into all parts of the country from both Europe and Latin America, giving connections to millions of households to their families in other parts of the world.
After the success of LLAMACUBA, Richard Gurewitsch continued on his international trajectory by founding HaitiPhone with the mission of serving another traditionally underserved market in Haiti. By applying the same principles in Haiti as he did in Cuba, Richard Gurewitsch was able to turn HaitiPhone into a major service provider to Haitians that needed to connect with their families residing outside of the country but needed to do so at a price that was affordable.

Thanks to the success of both of these businesses, Richard Gurewitsch is seen as a maverick CEO In all parts of the telecommunications industry in the United States and abroad. This success has spurred Gurewitsch to found his own network group that specializes in the telecommunications and virtual travel industries. With offices all over the greater Latin American and North American areas (as well as future expansion into the Spanish-speaking European market), Richard Gurewitsch is truly a CEO of the world.

With a work schedule that would include managing these large conglomerates, you would think Richard Gurewitsch would like to relax. This couldn’t be farther from the case. The businessman is the true definition of a workaholic as he recently partnered with the state of Florida with his Holidays Caribe brand to offer affordable air travel rates from the United States to countries in Latin America and the Carribean.

When It comes to providing for underserved immigrant communities, Richard Gurewitsch is truly a man of the people. By expanding business relationships from the US and into the Latin American countries, expect the results of his hard work to come to fruition in the generations to come.

