Chris Muggler Discusses the Ideal Diet for Runners

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Chris Muggler Chris Muggler

With so much competition in today’s sports and marathons in some cases being won by just milliseconds, athletes of all types are looking for the magic ingredient that will help them succeed. With everything else being even, longtime athlete and avid runner, Chris David Muggler says the #1 thing that’s going to make the difference is the fuel you put in your body. Here, Chris talks about how to find your best diet if you are a competitive runner.

“There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to nutrition,” Christopher Muggler says. What you need to look at is your ratio of micro- and macro-nutrients that the body needs to perform at its peak. Chris Muggler says a well-balanced diet is a must. This means a proper balance of macronutrients in the form of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats along with micronutrients, which include vitamins and minerals. The primary thing is to understand that each person’s requirement is going to be different.

“To consistently stand in the winner’s circle requires some extra dedication and some experimentation,” Christopher David Muggler says. Start by looking at the type of running you’re doing. “For example, a marathon is going to require different nutrients than a sprint,” he says.

For long-distance running, carbs give you endurance. For the marathon runner, Chris Muggler recommends the majority (up to 70%) of your diet consist of carbs, as carbs are going to give you the fuel for running. “Some people need more carbs than others,” he points out. Chris Muggler suggests experimenting with different ratios of diet during your practice sessions to see which combination best suits your body type.

For fat, Christopher Muggler says when you run long distances, your body uses some of its fat stores, so don’t skimp on your fat intake. Chris says about 15% of your diet should consist of fat. “You’ll also breakdown muscle as you run,” Chris Muggler says, “so protein is important for repairing those muscles after the race.” Since your body does not use protein as fuel during a race, Chris says there’s no need to pack on the protein before an event. “I’d save the protein for after the race when it can do its job properly,” he says. About 25% of your dietary intake should be in the form of protein. You’ll need to experiment to find which ratios are best for you, however, since these amounts don’t add up to 100%, he explains.

Chris David Muggler says your goal is not to lose weight per se, although most likely, you will see this happen. Your goal is to get a balanced diet and find just the right combination of macros for your type of running. An excellent tool he suggests to use is the macro food calculator located on This will help you determine a starting point for experimenting with different ratios of carbs, fat, and protein, depending on your activity level, he adds.

