Craig Schoenfeld Launches Government Affairs Strategies

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Craig Schoenfeld Government Affairs Strategies Craig Schoenfeld Government Affairs Strategies

Many people make the mistake of simply not paying attention to their government officials. These officials which operate at various levels of government including local, state, federal, and international, play a big role in the day to day operations of businesses. Craig Schoenfeld, president of CR3Connect, shares the importance of staying involved in policies that impact taxation, regulations, data security, mergers, and more.

No matter the industry, every business is impacted daily by the government, which directly affects their bottom line. Craig Schoenfeld notes that businesses should always turn to a professional to monitor all government developments, both positive and negative, which impact a company. That information should be used to develop strategic government affairs strategies, something Craig Schoenfeld and his team at CR3 Connect specialize in. Many companies do not have the funds for in-house counsel, however, obtaining services in government affairs strategies can prove to be of great value to a company.

Using his many years of political experience, Craig Schoenfeld recommends becoming involved with government relations before a problem arises. By simply contacting and meeting your local and state officials, business owners can establish relationships with key congressional members. There is even a commercial interest sector for those who operate businesses internationally. Craig Schoenfeld notes that these officials are usually very happy to meet with leaders in the community and learn how various businesses operate. By doing this first, they will be more helpful when important problems or issues come up.

Next, Craig Schoenfeld suggests staying on top of information from newspapers, trade associations, government publications, blogs, and more. Staying well-informed means that you will be able to spot issues right away. The faster these issues are prioritized, the sooner a government affairs strategy can be put together.
Craig Schoenfeld believes that all strategic plans should first begin with determining the end goal of a campaign. Creating a specific outline to determine the measure of success is very important to stay on course. These goals could be to pass a new law, make changes to a proposal, or stir up change. No matter the goal, Craig Schoenfeld wants people to know that patience and persistence is needed. Working in government affairs can be a very slow and frustrating process, often taking years to reach the finish line. Understanding this and communicating it with your team can make all the difference between a successful or unsuccessful campaign.

About Craig Schoenfeld:

With more than 20 years of experience, Craig R. Schoenfeld has worked as a lobbyist, political strategist, press spokesperson, and campaign operations manager for his clients. He has developed excellent relations with elected officials, business organizations, and activists in the Midwest.

Craig Schoenfeld is also the president of CR3 Connect, one of Iowa’s leading strategic advisory lobby firms. CR3 Connect specializes in designing and implementing strategies that build support, inform the public and public officials, educate and mobilize key constituencies. For more information:

