Dr. Mark A Pinsky Explains Why Facelifts Require Plastic Surgeons with a keen sense of artistry

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Dr Mark Pinsky SURGEONS Dr Mark Pinsky SURGEONS

Dr. Mark A Pinsky is a board certified plastic surgeon with years of facelift experience, and who, along with other medical professionals, urge patients to research and seek out only the most qualified and experienced surgeons when undergoing a rhytidectomy.

Because we’ve made radical medical advances in the recent past, and with so many facelift procedures being performed today, it’s easy to understand why people take the procedure lightly. However, a facelift can be a traumatic experience to the body, considering all the vital nerves and functions within the human face.

Commonly referred to by medical professionals as a rhytidectomy, the facelift was first performed somewhere between 1901-1906 (there are variations of the story with two main surgeons gaining recognition back and forth––Eugen Holländer and Erich Lexer). At that time, the facelift was a simple cut, pull, stitch up, and removal of excess skin.

Surgeons today have gone beyond traditional facelifts and developed specialized techniques that follow natural creases to conceal and minimize the appearance of any scars. In 2016, in America alone, over 120,000 men and women received some sort of a facelift to improve their looks, boost their self-esteem, and earn back a little self-respect.(1)

The facelift may be performed in a hospital as an outpatient procedure, and will require anesthesia. Vital signs will be monitored closely during the procedure so that any medical issues can be handled appropriately if necessary. From that, patients will have to limit all their activities for days or possibly weeks afterward.

While there may only be one or a couple of small incisions necessary for the procedure, finely skilled surgeons such as Dr. Mark A Pinsky focus on sculpting techniques to manipulate the skin, muscles and tissues to achieve a tighter look and create youthful contours. Fat and skin may be repositioned or removed during the procedure to achieve the best results depending on the patient’s desired goal. It’s intensely detailed work, and professionals like Dr. Mark Pinsky understand the potential for disaster should an unskilled or uncertified surgeon conduct a rhytidectomy, as some surgeries can damage nerves and even paralyze patients.

A qualified physician like Dr. Mark A Pinsky will understand the risk, discuss all options with patients, and personalize each procedure to achieve the patient’s goals. Dr. Mark Pinsky has helped people regain their confidence and look beautiful again through complicated and delicate surgeries for years and years. His expertise guarantees that patients won’t have to suffer through botched facelifts and bad plastic surgery, no matter how lightly patients treat their procedures.

“Facelifts are dangerous, but they can have tremendous results on a patient’s self-esteem. All they need is a qualified and artistic surgeon who can prove years of successful work.”



