Dustin McNeer Explains the Relationship Between Inflammation and Exercise

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Dustin McNeer Dustin McNeer

Personal trainer, Dustin Mark McNeer, explains the difference between good and bad inflammation, and how it relates to exercising. 

When the body wants to protect an area from harm, it sends signals at the cellular level to produce inflammation. Personal trainer and dietitian, Dustin Mark McNeer, explains that inflammation’s main job is to remove harmful substances and heal damaged tissues in the body. At times, however, it can also cause damage.

Acute inflammation is our body’s first defense mechanism against cuts, scrapes, and stings, causing swelling and redness. Dustin Mark McNeer explains that it shows us something is wrong and enables us to address the issue. Typically, acute inflammation will only last a few hours and occurs around the site of injury.

Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, is not considered to benefit the body. It does not go away after a short period and is associated with autoimmune diseases such as asthma. Dustin Mark McNeer notes that in this situation, the immune system does not know when to stop protecting. It’s essential to address this health issue as early as possible before it causes damage to vital organs.

So, where does exercise come into play? Dustin Mark McNeer explains that through exercise, acute inflammation is created in muscle tissues. During a really challenging workout, muscles are “damaged” when stretched and used to their capacity. The body does its best to repair the damaged muscle tissues by circulating more blood through the area, which brings nutrients used to grow and repair the muscle.

Research has shown that exercising reduces chronic inflammation in most cases, which will reduce pain and keep your body healthy. Dustin Mark McNeer always urges clients to take ample time to recover because overtraining can lead to additional inflammation. With the proper approach, exercise can be a natural, long-term treatment plan for chronic inflammation.

Symptoms for the condition can vary significantly from person to person and include body pain, fatigue, depression, constipation, weight gain, frequent infections, and more. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, Dustin Mark McNeer recommends consulting with a doctor. However, there are steps that can be taken immediately to reduce chronic inflammation through changes in lifestyle.

First, Dustin Mark McNeer suggests eating healthy meals made at home. Restaurants, junk food, processed food, and fast food will contribute to inflammation issues. Pay attention to how your body feels when you eat certain things so that you can begin eliminating things that do not agree with you. Many people are surprised at how much better they feel after making simple dietary changes.

Next, include rest days when making your weekly workout schedule. By setting aside specific days to stay out of the gym, you will be less likely to overtrain. Dustin Mark McNeer notes that if overtraining is left unchecked, the body will always be in an inflammatory state trying to heal.

Finally, Dustin Mark McNeer recommends reducing stress at work and home. By letting your body stay in a fight-or-flight mode, it can contribute to inflammation. Instead, engage in calming activities that relax the body and leave it less tense. When the nervous system is not activated, growth, repair, and restoration can truly occur. 

