Dustin McNeer Shares 5 Fitness Resolutions to Make in 2020

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Dustin McNeer Dustin McNeer

Instead of making new year’s resolutions you’re bound to break, consider trying Dustin McNeer’s fitness resolutions.

Another year has passed, which means it’s time to identify new goals and let bad habits die. Millions of people make fitness goals to improve their health and their lives. But more than half set unrealistic goals, or give up before they see any results. Dustin Mark McNeer, a personal trainer and registered dietician, shares five new year’s resolutions you might be able to keep this year.

1. Stay Consistent

There is no such thing as one perfect fitness plan. There is, however, one universal ingredient that is the key to success. Consistency. No matter how realistic or attainable your goals are, they will never be reached without practicing discipline and consistency both in the gym and in the kitchen.

Dustin Mark McNeer suggests making a weekly schedule with specific times for the gym. By knowing what your week looks like ahead of time, you’ll be less likely to make excuses and deviate from your plan. People run into trouble when they go on random days and don’t have an organized routine in the gym.

2. Think Long-Term

Dustin Mark McNeer recommends staying away from short-term fad diets with bold promises. Crazy weight loss methods might show results faster, but they’re less likely to last. When people try fad diets, they’re more likely to binge eat and return to the same habits they had before. Cutting corners with your health will only hurt you in the long run.
Instead, create a long-term plan that is centered around a balanced, nutritious diet. It’s okay to eat the things you love in moderation when you fill your plate with lean meats and fresh leafy greens. Plus, Dustin Mark McNeer notes that you can make more informed decisions about your choices moving forward.

3. Track Progress

When you look at yourself in the mirror every day, it can be tough to notice changes or progress. To help you stay motivated, Dustin Mark McNeer suggests keeping track of your weight loss and workouts. Over time, you will be able to clearly see that you can lift more weight or do more reps than you did before.
Sometimes, the scale doesn’t accurately represent your results or progress. Instead of focusing on losing a certain amount of weight, Dustin Mark McNeer recommends paying closer attention to how you look and feel. You may be losing weight and gaining muscle!

4. Celebrate

Don’t forget to celebrate each little milestone along your fitness journey. It might seem overwhelming if you only think about the end goal. However, Dustin Mark McNeer believes that the path will seem more manageable when your next goal isn’t so far away. Instead of treating yourself with food, break that bad habit by doing something else you enjoy. Consider going to a movie, buying a new piece of workout clothing, or visiting a destination you’ve been dying to see.
By focusing on Dustin Mark McNeer’s attainable fitness goals, you’ll be able to achieve great success in the new year.

About Dustin Mark McNeer:

Dustin Mark McNeer is a Registered Dietitian with a Master’s Degree in Clinical Nutrition and a certified personal trainer. He pairs personalized training regimens with customized nutritional plans so that clients can learn to maintain healthy lifestyles.

