Eliseo Delgado Helps Readers Understand How 5G Networks Will Revolutionize Technology

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Eliseo Delgado G Networks Eliseo Delgado G Networks

Eliseo Delgado is a computer engineer who has dedicated more than a decade to consumer product reviews, covering topics such as robotics, A.I., and the IoT. Here, he shares his insight into 5G network upgrades and explains how it will revolutionize existing technology.


Eliseo Delgado has made it a point to consistently try out new technology, research what emerging tech is in the works, and pen thoughtful reviews of consumer products. Recently, he’s covered the ongoing conversation around 5G networks and helps readers understand how they will affect consumer lifestyle.


“In the past, our smartphones have been dependent on carriers to provide 3G and 4G network connections for faster communication and browsing speed,” says Eliseo Delgado. “Upgrading to 5G doesn’t just mean you have access to the latest and greatest tech––it means unparalleled speeds for a range of technologies and new potential for the Internet of Things (IoT) and beyond.”


In wireless communication, 5G stands for the “fifth generation” and describes the connection speed of the network carriers. Consider that 1G connections that have been around for decades offer a connection speed of 2.4 Kbps, whereas the more recent 4G offers 100 Mbps – 1 Gbps. Each new generation allows people to work with technology, use the internet, and communicate with other devices faster than ever before.


“5G isn’t a simple upgrade from 4G,” says Eliseo Delgado. “This new capability is still under development, but it is expected to provide a maximum connection speed of 35.46 Gbps, which is 35 times faster and more powerful than the last generation.”


With consumer smartphones having access to a 5G network, they will be able to cut down the time it takes to send and receive messages, download apps or videos, and surf the web. On a 5G network, a 90-minute video that would today take around four minutes to download would be available in full in as little as ten seconds. Considering that mobile streaming is such an integral part in the daily lives of millions around the world, this upgrade in connection speed would mean tremendous improvements in convenience and efficiency.


A faster network also signals improvements for growing technologies such as augmented reality and the IoT. Both augmented and virtual reality technologies are making a huge appearance in consumer tech (like video games) and in professional tech (like medical or educational equipment). In augmented and virtual reality, latency is a vital factor as too much of it tends to give users nausea as a result. 5G connections ensure smooth, continuous video and create a positively immersive experience for users.


For the IoT, 5G connections mean extremely more reliable communication between devices and the ability to add more devices to a single network. The strength of a connection is usually determined by the finite number of devices allowed onto the network, and 5G makes it possible for ten times the amount of hardware to effectively use a shared IoT network (compared to 4G connections).


“The possibilities are essentially endless with 5G, as it improves nearly every aspect of our interconnected technology––whether that’s our smartphones, our streaming websites, or our ability to create truly smart homes of the future,” says Eliseo Delgado.


