Four Common Types of Concrete Explained by Phaze Concrete Experts

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The art of creating, mixing, and assembling concrete structures all depends on its uses as explained by experts at Phaze Concrete.

Phaze Concrete understands that every project is different, which means all concrete cannot be made the same. Concrete is produced with specific details in mind, such as construction method, project site, and form of hydration reaction. While there are a plethora of concrete types with different uses, Phaze Concrete explains four commonly used mixes.

Plain Concrete

This method does not include reinforcement within. The experts at Phaze concrete use cement, aggregates, and water as the main constituents. A standard mix design will typically look like 1:2:4 with a density of 2200 to 2500 Kg/meter cube. Plain concrete is mainly used for pavement and buildings when there is not much demand for high tensile strength. It is weak in tension and good in compression.

Reinforced Concrete

When the mix needs to bear tensile strength, reinforced concrete comes into play. Phaze Concrete experts typically use steel in the form of bars, rods, fibers, or meshes to hold more weight. No matter which style is used, it’s crucial to make sure the bond between concrete and steel is strong. If the bong is strong, the reinforced concrete will be durable and long-lasting.

Prestressed Concrete

Phaze Concrete specializes in megaprojects, which usually require prestressed concrete units. A unique technique is used to make it. Before the actual service load is applied, the bars or tendons to be placed in the concrete are stressed. The tensioned bars are then placed firmly and held on each end of the unit while the concrete is being mixed and placed.

Phaze Concrete experts recommend this process when the lower section of concrete needs to be strong when tension is applied. Units are made and assembled on-site due to the demanding, labor-intensive process and large equipment.

Precast Concrete

When units are made in a factory and brought to the site, they are called precast concrete units. Experts at Phaze Concrete see this method used for concrete blocks, precast walls and poles, staircase units, concrete lintels, and many other things. It does not require any mixing or large mixing machinery to be brought onsite.

One advantage of precast concrete is its ability to be made in a timely fashion. Once the pieces arrive onsite, they only need to be assembled. Additionally, clients can be assured of excellent quality materials since they are created at the manufacturer’s facility. With proper attention to detail with transportation methods, precast concrete makes for an excellent choice in construction.

