How Can Meditation Have an Impact On Your Everyday Life? Dipanshu Sharma Shares Insight

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Dipanshu Sharma How Can Meditation Have an Impact On Your Everyday Life Dipanshu Sharma How Can Meditation Have an Impact On Your Everyday Life

Meditation enthusiast Dipanshu Sharma on the Benefits of Regular Meditation in Daily Life 


Meditation can be hugely beneficial in small ways in your everyday life, said Dipanshu Sharma, a meditation and yoga expert and the co-founder and CEO of Meditation.Live. Whether in the workplace, first thing in the morning, or with friends once a week, meditation has genuine transformative benefits on those who practice it. It can help people physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, Dipanshu Sharma said. Here are four of the impacts meditation can have in your life. 


  1. Reduces stress and anxiety 


Stress and anxiety are some of the most common reasons people decide they want to try out meditation, according to Dipanshu Sharma. Mindfulness and meditation have been proven to reduce the stress hormone cortisol, decrease high levels of stress, and reduce symptoms of anxiety disorders. 


People with stress-related medical conditions, such as PTSD, IBS and fibromyalgia have seen marked improvements in their symptoms, Dipanshu Sharma said. If a person struggles with anxiety and stress and the conditions it can cause, Dipanshu Sharma recommends beginning a gentle meditation routine. 


  1. Increases attention span 


One of the reasons meditation is becoming more popular in the workplace is because it has great advantages at work, Dipanshu Sharma said. One of these advantages is a notable increase in attention span. Since mindfulness involves staying focused and promoting strength and endurance, this mental discipline can carry over into other areas of life. Some studies have found that meditation reverses the patterns in the brain that result in mind-wandering, worrying and not being able to pay attention. Meditation also helps with single-tasking, instead of constantly multi-tasking.


  1. Improves sleep


Most people agree that a better quality of sleep would be beneficial, Dipanshu Sharma said. What most people do not realize is that meditation can hugely contribute to sleep quality. Those who struggle with insomnia or not being able to stay asleep often find that meditation contributes to better sleep, according to Dipanshu Sharma. 


Since meditation aids those with stress and anxiety, it naturally follows that quality of sleep would be improved as well. Meditation focuses on relaxing and clearing the mind of those racing thoughts, making it easier to have a deep, peaceful sleep. Recently has added Sleep Stories and Naps to help with sleep.


  1. Lowers blood pressure

In addition to these mental and emotional benefits, meditation can have an influence on physical health. It lowers the stress on the heart, since it can lower blood pressure. High blood pressure can contribute to heart attacks and strokes, so a simple meditation practice can be effective in measurable ways, Dipanshu Sharma said.  

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