Improve Your Government Relations Technique with Craig Schoenfeld’s Expert Advice

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Craig Schoenfeld Craig Schoenfeld

With the right guidance and strategy, Craig Schoenfeld believes anyone can lead a movement of change.

When it’s time for a federal election, campaigns are in full motion. Representatives are very busy, constantly being pulled in a million different directions. So how does an organization get started on the right foot with those who make our policies and programs? Many people are told to “build relationships”, but that sounds easier than it actually is. 

Craig Schoenfeld, popular lobbyist and president of CR3 Connect, shares his expert advice on improving your government relations technique. 


When contacting influential government leaders, Craig Schoenfeld recommends providing research in relation to the issues at hand. With so many different sectors of industry and community to organize, government officials cannot be well versed in everything. By giving stories and statistics with your plea, officials can better understand their audience and make informed decisions. 

Plan Events

First, invite government officials to informal and formal briefings that relate to key issues in your industry. To have the most engagement possible, Craig Schoenfeld recommends hosting the event while a legislative chamber is in session. This event should be researched and planned out well in advance. Emails should also be sent out regularly with relevant updates and information. However, Craig Schoenfeld notes that all emails should be short, straightforward, and a relevant source of knowledge. 

It’s Who You Know

Find out which governmental departments work on the topics relevant to your community and industry. Craig Schoenfeld recommends directly contacting those specific individuals instead of sending information through generic inbound sources. Always express your gratitude for their time, as they are busy and hardworking people like the rest of us. 

Hire an External Consultant

When trying to narrow in on the right technique for your government relations strategy, consider hiring a consultant. Craig Schoenfeld explains that an experienced professional will have access to additional resources, connections, and insight to help you get the results you need. 

About Craig Schoenfeld:

With more than 20 years of experience, Craig R. Schoenfeld has worked as a lobbyist, political strategist, press spokesperson, and campaign operations manager for his clients. He has developed excellent relations with elected officials, business organizations, and activists in the Midwest.

Craig Schoenfeld is the president of CR3 Connect, one of Iowa’s leading strategic advisory lobby firms. CR3 Connect specializes in designing and implementing strategies that build support, inform the public and public officials, educate and mobilize key constituencies. For more information:

