Internet Sensation Backpack Kid Gives Support to the Aurora Theatre of Gwinnett County

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Backpack Kid Gives Support to the Aurora Theatre of Gwinnett County Backpack Kid Gives Support to the Aurora Theatre of Gwinnett County

Internet Sensation Backpack Kid Gives Support to the Aurora Theatre of Gwinnett County

The “Floss” is an international craze thanks to the whacky choreography of internet sensation Backpack Kid (known to family and friends as Russell Horning). The Aurora Theater of Gwinnett County is where Backpack Kid got his start on stage, and he shows his gratitude through regular support.


Russell Horning

The most commendable celebrities are the ones who don’t let fame alter who they are and who pay respect to their roots after they’ve achieved wide recognition. Backpack Kid Russell Horning is just such a character, demonstrating how celebrities can be positive role models to their fans and community while strengthening the platforms that led to their success.


At just 17 years old, Backpack Kid has already made international news for his star-studded backing and is replicated in online videos by thousands of fans. He’s been endorsed through social media by superstar icons like Rihanna and has even danced alongside Katy Perry during her SNL performance.


Of the pop singer’s invitation to the SNL performance, Backpack Kid remains modest and grateful.


“She found my Instagram on her recommended page and saw that I enjoyed doing what I did, and liked that about me,” says Backpack Kid. “She invited me to perform with her.”


He’s since gained recognition for guest performances at elementary schools, arriving with school supplies and backpacks, and for the charities, he speaks on behalf of and supports through donations.


But before he was world-famous, Backpack Kid Russell Horning had his start in drama at the Aurora Theater of Gwinnett County. He attended their performance workshops and he regularly supports them.


The Aurora Theatre was established in 1996 when a local hardware store in the suburbs of Atlanta got a major remodel in support of the arts. Officials of the City of Lawrenceville, GA understood the beneficial economic impact and planned to make the Aurora Theatre the centerpiece for their new vision. Today, the Aurora Theatre serves as the cornerstone for the county’s revitalization plans and a testament to what city officials can accomplish.


The Theatre remodel came about because of a unique partnership between the city government, private developers and a non-profit charity. Renovations began when the city purchased a 100-year-old church and transformed it into a $7.5 million theatre complex. It has been in operation since May of 2007 and is home to a pair of performance spaces that boast 5,000 season ticket holders, produces over 850 events each year and entertains thousands of locals and visitors.


Plus, they have the backing of their ultimate claim to fame, the viral dancing sensation Backpack Kid and his trendy choreography.

