John Zimmel Details the Foundations of Social Media Marketing and How to Stay in the Forefront

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John Zimmel Foundations of Social Media Marketing John Zimmel Foundations of Social Media Marketing

Entrepreneur, filmmaker, investor, and innovator, John Zimmel knows a thing or two about the importance of social media marketing, what works and what doesn’t.

John Zimmel Camera

John Zimmel owns Labyrinth35 X, which is a modern-day communications parent company that manages and operates West 35 Media and Grass Fed Audio. West 35 Media is a digital content creation agency.

They have created websites for some amazing people such as Mark Peynado (Drummer for Parson James), Deoca (DJ in Orlando, FL)and many more!

West 35 Media also have helped some leading brands with social media marketing.


John Zimmel’s top tips for a successful social media campaign are as follows:


#1 Image and Branding

Sticking to your image and creating stand out branding is key for entrepreneurs and influencers, so when you begin to think about your social media presence, make sure that your brand and image match up with what you’ve got online. If you’re looking to change your image, then you may need to create a new persona or vlog about why you’re making a move to change your slant or goals.


#2 Hashtags

I can’t specify enough the importance of hashtags. You should be incorporating at least 15 with every post. Posting as much as you can is also critical to make yourself known, but do not lose your quality with those posts.  Make sure your hashtags and posts are relevant so that people will want to follow you. With your Instagram stories, it’s essential to tag other influencers because this will increase your followers. It’s like asking for referral inadvertently.


#3 Giveaways

If you can, including giveaways in your social media campaign is a great way to gain new interest, keep people loyal, and market yourself in the real world. How? If you give away paraphernalia with your logo, people wearing your hats or t-shirts are walking billboards for your brand.


#4 Promoting other Products or Projects

Just like with tagging other influencers, promoting organizations or products that you’re passionate about or the ones you use daily are great ways to build partnerships. Yes, you’ll be talking about these for free, but it could actually pay off. Let’s say you love Lays potato chips, and you talk about them, eat them or have them sitting in your shot in most of your posts, you could possibly strike up a deal with them. Crazier things have happened.


John Zimmel’s Labyrinth 35x has three locations to serve their clients (Florida, New Jersey, and Connecticut), and they plan to expand further as time permits. They operate as one parent company with branches that run individually. It’s a fun, family-friendly environment. Labyrinth 35x has a media and digital communication focus.  

