Lee A Bressler | Financial Services Industry Technology

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Lee A Bressler | Financial Services Industry Technology

Lee A Bressler – From blockchain to big data initiatives, financial services industry technology is evolving at lightning pace.

Looking at recent, current, and anticipated developments in financial services industry technology, investor Lee A Bressler explores artificial intelligence, blockchain, big data, risk management, ‘design thinking,’ and the cloud as he delves into what’s happening, right now, and what the industry and those involved can expect going forward.

Lee A Bresslerstarts where it might be expected – with artificial intelligence and blockchain. “AI and blockchain are already disrupting the financial services industry,” he explains. “As AI moves forward, it’s likely that focus will center around cognitive use, both in investments and wealth management, but also in sales, marketing, and compliance.”


Quantifiable Growth with Lee A Bressler

This, says Lee A Bressler, will involve a massive step forward in moving from predictive analytics to quantifiable growth via cognitive computing. Executed alongside ever-evolving blockchain technologies, the equity fund portfolio manager anticipates extensive continued growth in both of these areas.

Next, Lee A Bressler points toward big data. “Big data is only going to get bigger,” he suggests. By pushing ever more sophisticated and open business models, big data initiatives are also supporting data visualization and associated tools which are better than ever before.”

“Many of those in the financial services industry,” he continues, “are today still using technology which is growing more and more outdated, relying on legacy infrastructure and data architecture.”

Advances in big data, Lee A Bressler says, will change all of this. “Data standardization efforts have already begun. Therefore, with the extraction of additional value from data being chief among the driving forces currently,” he adds.


Risk Management Explained.

Two others areas touched on by Lee A Bressler include risk management and ‘design thinking.’

“Real-time risk management performed with AI, completed under regulatory parameters can be huge”. Of ‘design thinking,’ he adds, “combining creative engineering with so-called ‘design thinking’. This is another area primed for growth within the financial services industry, especially in terms of UX and UI.”

In conclusion, Lee A Bressler looks to the cloud. Already years in the making, it’s Lee A Bressler’s belief that cloud computing usage will increase. Cloud-based computing is generating the momentum that will last for years to come. “Many banking and financial services industry applications begin moving into the cloud. 

