Marcula Stauffer Explains How You Can Create the Perfect Online Art Portfolio

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Marcula Stauffer Perfect Online Art Portfolio Marcula Stauffer Perfect Online Art Portfolio

Creating an online portfolio has more to it than you might think, but Marcula Stauffer shares three simple tips to help you get started.

Think of an art portfolio as a business resume. It gives artists the opportunity to showcase their work all in one place. This is especially useful when being commissioned for a custom piece of artwork, or even for applying to schools or jobs. Plus, it’s always nice to be able to reflect on past projects that have been sold or are no longer in your possession.

While some applications require specific guidelines for portfolios, Marcula Stauffer believes a creative version that reflects your personality and individual style is essential. So where do you start? After years of experience in the art studio, Marcula Stauffer explains how you can create a stellar digital art portfolio in simple, easy steps.

  1. Sort Through Your Work

The first step is to decide what pieces of art you want to include in the portfolio. Is this a personal portfolio, where you can see everything you have ever done in one place? Or are you looking to showcase your very best pieces to attract new clients or land that art school acceptance letter? Marcula Stauffer explains that once you define the purpose, you can begin to collect and organize your artwork. Think about showcasing mostly the type of work you would like to make in the future, leaving out projects that you aren’t passionate about.

  1. Display

Now that you have found the purpose of your portfolio and chosen your artwork, take pictures of each piece in front of a neutral background with good lighting. Think about how the pieces can best be displayed on your website. Perhaps you’d like to show the stages of each project, from sketches of the initial concept to the final masterpiece. Maybe you would like to group projects together into a collection. Marcula Stauffer notes that the most important aspect of the display is to include a short description of the piece along with a gripping title. People feel more connected to art when they can understand it.

  1. Add a Bio

While you want to make sure that your art is the focal point of the website, Marcula Stauffer suggests adding a bio. This will help you tell your personal story, share your unique perspective on life, and make you more approachable.

This should be a section that goes beyond your past jobs and accomplishments, even though those are great things to highlight. Marcula Stauffer recommends including some personal history and life experiences, in addition to fun facts like outside hobbies and interests that make you who you are.

With these simple guidelines by Marcula Stauffer, your art portfolio will surely stand out!

