Mark R. Fleckner MD Talks About The Leading Cause Of Severe Vision Loss In People Over Sixty

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Mark R Fleckner MD Talks About The Leading Cause Of Severe Vision Loss In People Over Sixty Mark R Fleckner MD Talks About The Leading Cause Of Severe Vision Loss In People Over Sixty

Mark R. Fleckner, MD, is a New York board-certified Ophthalmologist. Every day, he examines the eyes of various patients, sharing with them the importance of eye care.

Dr. Mark Fleckner speaks about preventative practices and how to avoid vision loss. He also expresses how not all eyesight loss is preventable and what that means.

Some decline in vision is the result of aging. At some point, people become aware that the need for glasses will most likely be in their future.

Yet, individuals over the age of sixty can experience more than a slight change in sight. Instead, they can encounter a severe loss in vision, even blindness. Mark R. Fleckner, MD, thinks many do not know enough about its leading cause.

Dr. Mark Fleckner goes further in-depth about it.

Severe vision loss occurs when the small central part of the retina deteriorates. The name of the small part is the macula. The retina is the light-sensing nerve tissue at the back of the eye.

Mark R. Fleckner, MD, reveals the leading cause of severe vision decline for those sixty and older; the name of it is macular degeneration.

At present, there is no straightforward cure for age-related macular degeneration. Nonetheless, Dr. Mark Fleckner states that eye care is still critical at any age.

Treatments are available; some methods may delay the change to the vision of those with macular degeneration.

Mark R. Fleckner, MD, urges everyone to continue visiting their Optometrist or Ophthalmologist. Eye examinations are vital to diagnosis and the state of eye health.

The type of treatment used for macular degeneration depends on the stage of the disease. Proper eye examinations can reveal if it is in the early-stage or more advanced stage.

Most patients with age-related macular degeneration can keep their sight in good health. But, proper, on-going care is necessary.

Individuals, sixty years or older, must not give up on going to eye doctor appointments.

With the help of an eye care professional, slowing the progress of vision degeneration is possible.

Mark R. Fleckner, MD, stresses the importance of eye care examinations. Dr. Mark Fleckner wants everyone of all ages to do what is necessary to keep their eyes healthy.

To learn more about Mark R. Fleckner, MD, visit

