Nanotechnology Expert, Stuart Burchill, Solves Big Problems With Tiny Invention

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Stuart Burchill Nanotechnology Stuart Burchill Nanotechnology

Factories and chemical plants face big challenges when it comes to maintaining and operating large equipment. These concerns include protecting employees’ physical well-being, combating high energy costs, and reducing downtime on production lines. All of these problems revolve around big equipment, but can be solved with a very small solution. Stuart Burchill’s patented nanotechnology has been proven to solve the most difficult problems faced in factories today.

Machinery, piping, tanks, boilers, and ovens can become dangerously hot, posing a very big risk for both the workers and the company which is responsible for protecting them. It can be very difficult to tell the difference between equipment that is cool or scorching hot, which means a reliable barrier must be placed around hot surfaces to avoid unnecessary burns.

Applying a barrier seems like an easy task, but in fact, it is quite a big problem to solve. Harsh environments found inside factories quickly degrade regular insulation surrounding large and bulky equipment. Stuart Burchill’s spray on insulation technology is a powerful 2-part water based reactive prepolymer that has excellent splash resistance to chemicals, so it will last longer than traditional methods. It is also resistant to moisture and dust, preventing corrosion of the underlying substrate. Heat Shield EPX-H20 can be applied to any machine, no matter what shape, saving companies the hassle of putting custom cut insulation in hard to reach places.

Stuart Burchill’s Heat Shield EPX-H20 coating can bring surface temperatures as hot as 400F down to the OSHA and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety standards of 140F. This cool touch temperature prevents serious contact burn injuries by allowing employees to touch the surface for about five seconds without suffering irreversible damage. This only takes a few hours, and the equipment can still be hot and operating. Stuart Burchill’s revolutionary nanotechnology prevents downtime on production lines, saving factories big money in the long run.

Heat Shield EPX-H20 is changing the insulation standard for both quality and effectiveness in the industrial industry. This groundbreaking spray-on insulation is easy to apply and even protects equipment from sea spray and salt air, a big issue for companies that work along shores or on rigs. For more information or to request a demo, visit:

