Nutrition Specialist, Rosemary Barclay, Explains How Iodized Salt is Connected to Acne

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Rosemary Barclay Salt Connected to Acne Rosemary Barclay Salt Connected to Acne

According to Rosemary Barclay, nutrition affects many facets of your well-being including the condition of your skin.

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Ingesting certain foods can negatively impact the overall health of your skin, without you even realizing it. These acne-exacerbating foods are common in everyday meals and can be the secret culprit to your skin problems. Rosemary Barclay, founder, and owner of Bonne Santé Wellness Center in Old Lyme, CT., explains how iodized salt, in particular, could pose as troublesome to your complexion.

Iodine in Salt

This mineral isn’t all bad, in fact, we actually need it to function properly! Iodine becomes a problem when ingested in larger than recommended quantities. Rosemary Barclay explains that this excess iodine is excreted through pores and can further irritate sensitive skin and hair follicles, causing an unwanted flare-up of on your face.

Most people get their fully recommended dose of iodine without knowing or trying. However, for those who are already more prone to breakouts, ingesting too much could easily be detrimental to a nice complexion. It’s most commonly found in iodized table salt, so it’s best to check all salt labels before making a purchase. Before making any dietary changes, Rosemary Barclay notes that everyone should first consult their doctor, as some conditions require higher iodine intakes.


Iodine in Food

Unfortunately, most restaurants and fast food companies use iodized salt because it’s the least expensive salt option. If you’re going to treat yourself to a night out, Rosemary Barclay recommends choosing grilled options, since fried food items often contain much higher levels of salt.

Just because you’re eating at home, doesn’t mean you’re automatically safe from potentially harmful ingredients. Iodine can also be found in processed foods at the grocery store such as deli meats, canned vegetables, and processed snacks. Seaweed and kelp are also a commonly hidden source of iodine, so enjoying sushi in moderation is key.  Try to consume snacks flavored with sea salt or Celtic salt to reduce flare-ups of acne.

Lastly, it’s no secret that regularly drinking soda is bad for your health. What many people don’t know, however, is the surprising amount of iodine found in deep brown food coloring. If you aren’t ready to kick that soda drinking habit, simply switches to lighter-colored sodas that tend to contain large amounts of iodine.

About Rosemary Barclay

Rosemary Barclay earned a bachelor’s degree and a Ph.D. in biochemistry in addition to becoming a board-certified nutrition specialist, certified esthetician, and acne specialist. Her many years of experience have led her to believe in the value of nutritious foods and organic products. For more information on the Bonne Santé Wellness Center in Old Lyme, CT, please visit:

