Pastor Gene Lingerfelt Shares How God Wants You To Be A Success

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Pastor Gene Lingerfelt God Wants You To Be A Success Pastor Gene Lingerfelt God Wants You To Be A Success

Faith Christian Center Co-Founder and Senior Pastor Dr. Gene Lingerfelt provides a closer look at the practicality of the Bible, which is the Word of God. 


Gene Lingerfelt

No matter what any individual might be facing or going through, God has a wonderful plan for every man and woman.  God wants all men and women to be saved and to become a part of His family. That is what Jesus Christ paid the price for on the cross.  He suffered and died on our behalf, so that our fellowship with God could be restored and so that we could become a part of the family of God.  It’s a free gift but we must receive it and take action with it. And God wants every person to fulfill the wonderful and good plan that He has for their lives, which has been made possible because of what Jesus did on our behalf.  


According to Dr. Lingerfelt, “God’s plan, however, will not automatically come to pass in our lives without us taking action on His Word.”  “Faith,” according to Dr. Lingerfelt, “is not just belief. Faith is taking action on the Word of God, which is the Bible.”  


Frequently, Dr. Lingerfelt shares how “God has given us free will and choice.  So it’s up to us to enter into and walk in God’s best according to His Word.” 


Dr. Lingerfelt explains, “At Faith Christian Center, we help people discover God’s plan for their lives, and we teach them how to practically apply His Word (the Bible) to their every day lives.”  This is the consistent message at Faith Christian Center in Arlington, Texas, which is a non-denominational and Full Gospel church where Dr. Lingerfelt and his son, Austin, share a positive, motivational message in every service.


“The Bible is God’s Word to us,” explains Dr. Lingerfelt.  “In the Bible, we discover how we can be saved, which is only through Jesus Christ, and we also learn how we can walk in the blessing of God in our everyday lives.  All of the wonderful and good things that God has for us are not just for eternity and many Christians don’t understand that. God wants to do good and wonderful things in your life NOW, in the present.”


“No matter what anyone is facing, in any area of life, they can find the right answers in the Bible,” according to Dr. Lingerfelt.  “The Bible covers every subject–life, death, marriage, family, parenting, child-raising, money, finances, etc.” Dr. Lingerfelt explains, “Every answer is in the Bible!”


According to Dr. Lingerfelt, “Far too many people believe that what’s spiritual isn’t practical and what’s practical isn’t spiritual, when in fact, the opposite is true.  What’s spiritual is practical and what’s practical is spiritual.”


In Joshua 1, after the death of Moses, God gave Joshua a success formula for life that any person can embrace and apply to their own life.  God told Joshua in Joshua 1:8, “ Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”  In the New King James translation, it says, “For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”


Dr. Lingerfelt frequently shares, “No matter what you have been taught about God or the Bible, God does want you to be a success.  And He has given us a success formula in His Word. If you will apply His Word to your life and take action on it, then you will become a success.”  This is something that Dr. Lingerfelt and his family have taught more than 30 years with amazing results.


Every week, the Lingerfelt family and Faith Christian Center receive miracle testimonies from families in the church.  “When people learn that God is good and they are taught to expect miracles and the goodness of God, then good and wonderful things will happen.  God is good and He will bring His Word to pass in the lives of men and women who believe Him and His Word.”


God wants you to be a success!  To hear a positive, motivational message every Sunday morning or Wednesday night, visit Faith Christian Center in Arlington, Texas.  Click here for directions. 

