Rosemary Barclay Explains the Changing Nutritional Needs of the Elderly

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Rosemary Barclay Rosemary Barclay

Certified nutrition specialist, Rosemary Barclay of Old Lyme, CT, helps people over 65 adjust their diet for their aging needs.

A natural, nutritional diet is essential for people of all ages. However, as we age, our diet becomes even more important. Rosemary Barclay, the founder, and owner of the Bonne Santé Wellness Center in Old Lyme, CT, explains that a poor diet increases the risk for chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Additionally, a poor diet can increase the risk of mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

Rosemary Barclay of Old Lyme, CT, recommends that her geriatric clients eat protein and vegetables primarily with low glycemic index unprocessed carbohydrates . First and foremost, plenty of green leaves, colorful vegetables with a few legumes and beans should be eaten every day. They are rich in minerals and vitamins like magnesium, vitamin C, and folate. Plus, they offer dietary fiber, which helps with digestion. Rosemary Barclay recommends eating at least five servings from the vegetable group per day.

Next, geriatric adults should focus on eating fresh fruit every day. Rosemary Barclay of Old Lyme, Ct, recommends avoiding processed fruit juices, which are high in sugar and low in fiber. Whole fruits are both filling and better for your teeth. Consider adding fresh berries and citrus fruits daily. It is suggested that adults eat two servings of fruit per day.

Geriatric adults need to make sure they’re eating enough wholegrain foods while avoiding refined grain foods. Rosemary Barclay of Old Lyme, CT., notes that this can be accomplished just by being more aware of your decisions at the supermarket. Choose legume or chickpea pasta that are higher in protein, oats and wild rice. . It’s easy to still eat the things you love in a healthier way. Rosemary Batclay recommends elderly people choose carbohydrates carefully avoiding high sugar releasing carbs. 

The final two food groups are lean meats and dairy. These categories are pretty straightforward, with a focus put onto poultry, fish, eggs, yogurt, and cheese. Rosemary Barclay recommends eating lean high protein sources of meat. .

Other helpful tips include removing salt and alcohol from your diet. Sugar, processed, and fried foods should also be kept to a minimum as they do not have positive nutritional value. Remove foods high in saturated fat and replace them with foods that have mostly polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats that are found naturally in nuts and avocado.

Although there is no substitute for a well-rounded nutritious diet, Rosemary Barclay of Old Lyme, Ct., notes that it may be wise to consider taking vitamins and supplements. They will help to ensure any deficiencies are being met. A certified nutrition specialist will be able to evaluate your health and diet and make specific recommendations tailored to your needs.

About Rosemary Barclay

Rosemary Barclay believes that nutrition is fundamental to good health and affects many facets of well-being, including the skin, energy, immunity, mood, and performance. The Bonne Santé Wellness Center in Old Lyme, CT, offers solutions to problematic skin without the use of antibiotics or harsh chemicals.

She earned a bachelor’s degree and a Ph.D. in biochemistry in addition to becoming a board-certified nutrition specialist, certified esthetician, and acne specialist. Rosemary Barclay lives in Old Lyme, CT.

