The Different Types of Blood Pressure Medications

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If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, your doctor will likely prescribe medication to help lower your readings. There are various types of blood pressure medications available, so it’s important to understand how they work and the potential side effects. This blog post will look at the different types of blood pressure medication and how they can help you manage your condition.

ACE Inhibitors

ACE inhibitors are a type of medication that blocks the production of a hormone called angiotensin II. Angiotensin II can cause your blood vessels to narrow, which can increase blood pressure. ACE inhibitors can also help to prevent heart attacks and strokes. Some common side effects of ACE inhibitors include dry cough, headache, and dizziness.


ARBs (angiotensin receptor blockers) work by blocking the action of angiotensin II. This helps to relax your blood vessels and lowers your blood pressure. ARBs can also help to prevent heart attacks and strokes. Common side effects of ARBs include headache, dizziness, and upper respiratory tract infection.


Beta-blockers are a type of medication that blocks the action of adrenaline. This can help slow your heart rate and lower your blood pressure. Beta-blockers can also be used to treat anxiety and migraines. Common side effects of beta-blockers include fatigue, cold hands and feet, and difficulty breathing.

Calcium Channel Blockers

Calcium channel blockers are a type of medication that blocks the flow of calcium into your cells. This helps to relax your blood vessels and lowers your blood pressure. Calcium channel blockers can also treat arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats) and migraines. Common side effects of calcium channel blockers include headache, dizziness, and constipation.

If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, you must talk to your doctor about the best treatment option. Various types of blood pressure medications are available, each with its own set of potential side effects. This blog post has looked at the different types of blood pressure medication and how they can help you manage your condition. Remember, always talk to your doctor before starting any new medications.

