The Healing Power of Nature: Exploring the Benefits of Gardening and Green Space Therapy for Mental Health

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Benefits of Gardening shot of a mother and daughter gardening together

Gardening and being in nature is well known to provide mental and physical benefits. A growing body of scientific research is showing that people who spend time outdoors are more relaxed, less stressed and more productive.

Despite these Benefits of Gardening, domestic (home) gardens have received less attention in terms of their therapeutic value. This study aims to explore why residents engage with gardening and whether they recognise any health benefits.

1. Stress Relief

There is a growing body of research that shows that spending time in nature has mental health benefits. This includes stress relief, greater relaxation, improved cognitive functioning and coping with trauma.

In fact, a recent study found that gardening actually has more positive effects on stress and mood than reading! In this study, test subjects that gardened experienced a significantly greater decline in stress as measured by salivary cortisol, a hormone linked to feelings of anxiety and depression.

In addition, research suggests that being immersed in a plant-filled home or area can boost serotonin, which is the chemical that induces happiness. This can help with overall mood, according to Texas A&M University AgriLife Extension horticulture specialist Charlie Hall.

2. Physical Exercise

Gardening is considered to be moderate physical exercise by the American Heart Association1, and it can help you burn calories as well. In addition, gardening helps strengthen muscles and increases flexibility, and research shows that people who garden regularly have lower body fat than those who don’t.

Besides being great for your body, gardening also helps your brain. Time spent outside is linked to a decrease in stress levels, and it increases serotonin, a hormone that improves mood.

In addition to increasing your mood and reducing stress,Benefits of Gardening and green spaces have been shown to cut the risk of heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, diabetes and colon cancer, according to researchers. Plus, it’s an ideal way to incorporate physical activity into your weekly routine.

3. Mood Improvement

Having a garden can help you improve your mood and boost your self-esteem. Research has shown that people who garden have fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety.

This is because gardening reduces the stress hormone Cortisol, increases serotonin and lowers blood pressure. This can increase your happiness levels, and even help you focus better when you’re working on a project.

Green is also a very soothing color. It is calming in nature, and when you are around it you feel relaxed and reassured.

4. Better Sleep

Gardening is a great way to relax and relieve stress, and it’s also good for your health. In fact, a 2011 study found that gardening helped people recover from stress.

Green is a color that has many positive connotations, including fertility, longevity, prosperity and regeneration. It’s also a symbol of hope, growth and harmony.

One of the most exciting ways that gardening helps your sleep is by promoting the release of endorphins, a natural chemical that can improve your mood. Another benefit of tending to your plants is that it allows you to get outdoors and soak in some vitamin D – which helps to regulate your body’s circadian clock, ensuring that you sleep well at night.

5. Fresh Produce

A recent study found that Benefits of Gardening improves  people’s health in numerous ways. The activity can provide a sense of achievement and satisfaction, reducing stress and anxiety.

In addition, it can also increase people’s consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, helping to reduce childhood obesity. Additionally, if done correctly, gardening can provide an opportunity for social interaction.

For example, community gardens help combat food insecurity and bring together neighbors of different ages and backgrounds. Gardening can also be a way to fight injustice and build a sense of self-determination.

