The Link between Dairy and Acne Explained by Rosemary Barclay

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Rosemary Barclay Dairy and Acne Rosemary Barclay Dairy and Acne

Rosemary Barclay

Acne specialist, Rosemary Barclay, believes in a more natural approach to clearing your skin.

Let’s face it – having acne is a terrible experience, especially as an adult. We all want the clear, beautiful skin we see in advertisements, and many people are willing to go to extreme measures to find the skin care routine that works for them. Visits to the dermatologist often result in expensive, harsh prescriptions that leave you with dry skin, chapped lips, or even worse side effects like joint pain! All these concoctions and potions add up fast, and can leave you feeling even more hopeless when the acne remains time and time again.

Rosemary Barclay, owner and founder of Bonne Santé Wellness Center in Old Lyme, Ct., shares a more natural approach to ending the battle with acne – cutting out dairy products. While this may seem like another extreme measure to some, it can be surprisingly easy to adjust your diet. Rosemary Barclay believes that ditching diary can not only reduce acne, but also help you lead a healthier life.

Dairy products that are made from cows often have high levels of hormones in them. Pregnant cows produce more hormones, which cross into the milk and cheese we consume regularly. Even organic products that are labeled as “hormone-free” contain the cow’s natural hormones. Rosemary Barclay notes that the only difference is no artificial hormones are added in addition to what is already there.

Adding unnecessary hormones into your diet can over-stimulate oil glands in the face. All that extra oil can lead to more clogged pores and breakouts. Aside from hormone imbalances, dairy can also cause irritation in the stomach and digestive track. Food sensitivities for internal organs are directly connected to the skin. Traditional Chinese face-mapping techniques can help you figure out potential underlying issues based on where acne is located on the face.

Going to the gym and leading an active lifestyle is another way to lower stress levels, boost circulation, and push out impurities and toxins from the pores. Reaching for whey protein after a successful workout may seem like the healthiest choice, however, this milk-derived powder could actually be a major source of breakouts. Rosemary Barclay suggests cutting whey protein out of your diet and replacing it with a natural plant protein source that can still be just as convenient as whey products.

While cutting dairy is not a guaranteed acne cure for everyone, Rosemary Barclay suggests giving it a shot for at least three weeks to see if there are any noticeable changes or improvements. Tracking food intake is also a great way to narrow in on potential acne triggers. You can cut out one thing, then wait to see what happens when reintroduced. Another way to do this is to cut out everything and eat only vegetables. After three weeks, slowly reintroduce just one thing at a time to document body reactions.

About Rosemary Barclay

Rosemary Barclay believes that nutrition is fundamental to good health, and affects many faucets of well-being including the skin, energy, immunity, mood, and performance. The Bonne Santé Wellness Center in Old Lyme, CT, offers solutions to problematic skin without the use of antibiotics or harsh chemicals.

She earned a bachelor’s degree and a PhD in biochemistry in addition to becoming a board certified nutrition specialist, certified esthetician, and acne specialist. Rosemary Barclay lives in Old Lyme, CT. with her husband Paul and three children. For more information on the Bonne Santé Wellness Center in Old Lyme, CT, please visit:

