What Herbs Should I Start in My Herb Garden?

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herb garden

Are you considering starting an herb garden but unsure which herbs, to begin with? Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner, having a herb garden is a wonderful way to add fresh flavors and aromas to your cooking while enjoying the benefits of nature. In this article, we will explore some essential herbs for beginners and provide you with valuable tips to get your herb garden off to a great start.


Having an herb garden at home gives you a readily available supply of fresh herbs that can enhance the taste of your culinary creations. Growing herbs add beauty and fragrance to your garden and allow you to connect with nature and engage in a rewarding and therapeutic activity.

Benefits of Starting an Herb Garden

Starting an herb garden offers numerous benefits:

  1. It allows you to access fresh herbs that are often more flavorful than store-bought ones.
  2. Cultivating your herbs gives you control over the growing process, ensuring they are free from pesticides and other harmful chemicals.
  3. Herbs are generally easy to grow and require minimal space and maintenance, making them an ideal choice for beginners or those with limited gardening experience.
Essential Herbs for Beginners

When starting your herb garden, choosing herbs that are easy to grow and versatile in their culinary uses is important. Here are six essential herbs for beginners:

3.1 Basil

Basil is a popular herb with a distinctive aroma and a sweet yet slightly peppery flavor. It’s commonly used in Mediterranean and Asian cuisine, adding a fresh and vibrant touch to pasta, salads, and pesto sauce dishes. Basil requires warm weather and plenty of sunlight to thrive.

3.2 Mint

Mint is a refreshing herb that adds a cool and invigorating taste to beverages, desserts, and savory dishes. Its aromatic leaves make it an excellent choice for teas, mojitos, fruit salads, and lamb dishes. Mint prefers partial shade and moist soil conditions.

3.3 Rosemary

Rosemary is a fragrant evergreen herb with a distinctive pine-like aroma and a robust flavor. It pairs well with roasted meats, potatoes, bread, and vegetables. Rosemary requires well-draining soil and full sun exposure.

3.4 Parsley

Parsley is a versatile herb used in various cuisines around the world. It adds freshness and a hint of bitterness to salads, soups, sauces, and marinades. Parsley prefers rich soil and moderate sunlight.

3.5 Thyme

Thyme is a popular herb known for its earthy and slightly minty flavor. It complements roasted meats, stews, sauces, and marinades. Thyme thrives in well-drained soil and requires full sun exposure.

3.6 Chives

Chives are an onion family member and offer a mild onion flavor with a hint of garlic. They are excellent for garnishing salads, soups, omelets, and creamy sauces. Chives thrive in well-drained soil and prefer partial shade.

Choosing the Right Location for Your Herb Garden

Selecting the right location for your herb garden is crucial for its success. Most herbs require at least six hours of direct sunlight daily, so choose a spot with ample sunlight. Ensure the area is protected from strong winds that can damage delicate herbs. If you’re growing herbs indoors, place them near a south-facing window or use grow lights to provide sufficient light.

Soil Preparation and Planting

Before planting your herbs, it’s essential to prepare the soil properly. Herbs prefer well-drained soil with good fertility. Incorporate organic matter such as compost or well-rotted manure into the soil to improve its texture and nutrient content. When planting, space the herbs according to their growth habits and follow the recommended spacing guidelines on the seed packet or plant tag.

Watering and Maintenance Tips

Proper watering is essential for the health and growth of your herbs. Water the plants thoroughly when the top inch of the soil feels dry to the touch. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot. Regularly check for pests, diseases, and weed growth. Remove weeds promptly to prevent them from competing with your herbs for nutrients.

Harvesting and Using Your Herbs

Harvesting your herbs immediately ensures optimal flavor and prolongs their productivity. Harvest early in the morning when the essential oils are at their peak. Trim the herbs just above a leaf node to encourage bushier growth. Fresh herbs can be used immediately, but you can also dry or freeze them later. Experiment with different recipes and techniques to fully enjoy the flavors of your homegrown herbs.

Common Issues and Pests

Herbs are generally resilient, but they can still face certain issues and pests. Some common problems include fungal diseases like powdery mildew and pest infestations like aphids or spider mites. To prevent these issues, ensure good air circulation around your plants, avoid overwatering, and regularly inspect for signs of pests. Use organic pest control methods or consult a local gardening expert for guidance if necessary.


Starting an herb garden is an enjoyable and rewarding endeavor that gives you a constant supply of fresh herbs at your fingertips. By selecting essential herbs for beginners, providing the right growing conditions, and maintaining proper care, you can create a thriving herb garden to enhance your culinary experiences. Remember to choose herbs like basil, mint, rosemary, parsley, thyme, and chives, which are easy to grow and versatile in their uses.

Don’t forget to select a suitable location with ample sunlight, prepare the soil properly, and water your herbs appropriately. Regularly harvest and use your herbs to enjoy their fresh flavors, and be mindful of common issues and pests that may affect your plants. By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to a flourishing herb garden that will bring joy and deliciousness to your cooking.

