Natural Cycles Aims to Help Educate Healthcare Professionals on Digital Birth Control with Dedicated Online Portal

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The Natural Cycles for Healthcare Professionals portal showcases the benefits of Natural Cycles’ groundbreaking birth control app to those in the healthcare profession

The first birth control app available in the U.S. and Europe, Natural Cycles, delivered in the form of a smartphone application, is a digital fertility awareness-based contraceptive that uses an intelligent algorithm to conveniently and accurately determine a woman’s daily fertility using her basal body temperature. A dedicated portal for those in the healthcare profession, Natural Cycles for Healthcare Professionals, provides an in-depth insight into the research behind the Natural Cycles app and includes specialist resources such as an independent expert fact sheet on Natural Cycles, advice on counseling patients, and helpful patient brochures.

The Natural Cycles app takes a user’s basal body temperature and other data and builds it into a personalized fertility indicator that informs her when she needs to use protection in order to minimize the chance of conception. The Natural Cycles app can also be used to help plan a pregnancy when the time is right.

Natural Cycles for Healthcare Professionals reveals that Natural Cycles is supported by extensive and ever-growing clinical evidence. The Pearl Index of Natural Cycles, for example, for typical use, has been evaluated in a prospective, observational, peer-reviewed study involving over 20,000 women, according to Natural Cycles.

Other peer-reviewed publications include ‘Advantages of determining the fertile window with the individualized Natural Cycles algorithm over calendar-based methods,’ ‘Investigating the impact of previous contraceptive choice on unintended pregnancy risk,’ ‘Pilot effectiveness study of Natural Cycles for pregnancy prevention,’ and ‘Identification and prediction of the fertile window using Natural Cycles.’

Further conference abstracts and scientific posters, meanwhile, include ‘Analysis of menstrual cycle data from a fertility awareness-based mobile application,’ ‘Impact of sleep habit on the contraceptive effectiveness of a fertility awareness-based app,’ Impact of cycle regularity on contraceptive effectiveness,’ and ‘Conception probability using the Natural Cycles app when planning a pregnancy.’

Natural Cycles for Healthcare Professionals explains that more options are needed for women seeking effective, non-hormonal, and non-invasive contraception. Natural Cycles serves to increase choice for women by providing them with a natural contraceptive that’s available for use in Europe and the U.S., and which is 93 percent effective with typical use and 98 percent effective with perfect use based on peer-reviewed clinical studies.

A European Union notified body and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have classified Natural Cycles as a medical device intended for use as contraception. In Europe, Natural Cycles is classified as a class IIb medical device, and, in the U.S., as class II.

Natural Cycles for Healthcare Professionals contains information intended for healthcare professionals. To visit Natural Cycles for Healthcare Professionals, head to For the public website, meanwhile, visit

