Why Some Prescriptions Cost More in Different Drugstores, With Money Saving Tips From Pharmacy Owner Mark Youssef

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Mark Youssef Why Some Prescriptions Cost More Mark Youssef Why Some Prescriptions Cost More

Mark Youssef St. Lucie Pharmacy

Save Money On Prescriptions With This Advice From Mark Youssef

Not all pharmacies are created equal. Prescription drug prices can vary widely from drugstore to drugstore, WPBF 25 News recently found. Their investigation revealed that the prices of 10 common medications varied significantly at 10 pharmacies. While most people have health insurance and do not pay full price, it can still be beneficial to shop around and find a pharmacy that will save you money, said pharmacy owner Mark Youssef.

Mark Youssef owns St. Lucie Pharmacy and said he sees his customers as extended family. The pharmacy is family-owned and operated and has been a staple in the community for more than six years.

“I used to work in drugstore chains,” Mark Youssef said. “I spent 11 years there hearing customer complaints about the prices of their prescription medications, and then I decided I needed to do something about it.”

Mark Youssef founded St. Lucie Pharmacy to offer great customer service and the best prices for medications. He said sometimes he sells a prescription without making a profit or with taking a little loss because he is so committed to keeping his customers satisfied.

“I advise people to check out different pharmacies in their area. It’s not just the big chain drugstores, there are also family-owned and operated pharmacies that may have the best prices and also the bonus of excellent customer service,” Mark Youssef said.

St. Lucie Pharmacy has earned a reputation and is loved by the community and recommended by customers and healthcare professionals. The pharmacy prides itself on its competitive prices and the services it offers that accommodate the needs of a wide variety of clients.

Mark Youssef offered three additional tips to save money on prescription medications that you can keep in mind next time you need a refill.

Look into generic drugs. Generic medications have the same active ingredients as their brand-name counterparts, but are typically less expensive. “I recommend people ask their doctor to prescribe a generic version or a similar drug that offers a generic version,” Mark Youssef said. “Over time, that can save a lot of money.”
Get a larger supply of medication for long-term prescriptions. A 90-day supply of a prescription, rather than a 30-day supply, can save money when applied to medications you take long term. It’s also a time saving tool, since you will have to make trips to the pharmacy less often for refills.
Shop around. Call pharmacies to ask about their prices or use a website or app to find information on how much prescriptions cost in your area. “It’s worth putting in a little extra time to find great savings,” said Mark Youssef.

