Stuart Hankin Making Homebuying Possible for More Americans

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Stuart Hankin Stuart Hankin

According to a 2017 Harvard University study, nearly 40 million Americans cannot afford their housing. The rate of homeownership has decreased nationwide as well, with many Millennials unable to afford to buy their first home, even with a deposit. At the same time, rent prices are increasing. It’s no wonder many people in lower or mid-income brackets find securing safe, stable housing to be a significant challenge. Stuart Hankin, the owner of Florida-based residential construction firm Hankin Homes, is hoping to change things by constructing high-quality, affordable properties for families of all sizes. 


Stuart Hankin believes strongly in the importance of having a home, a secure sanctuary in which to live and raise a family. He also understands the financial benefits homeownership can provide, particularly if a home is passed down from one generation to the next. 


Whereas buying property is a long-term investment, renting is essentially throwing money out the window. Unfortunately, it is increasingly difficult for many Americans to save money to buy a home and pay their mortgage, insurance, and taxes when a huge chunk of their income goes toward rent. Research by the Joint Center for Housing Studies indicates the situation is not helped by the fact that the home prices in many markets have increased while wages have not. 


Since graduating from Cornell, Stuart Hankin has applied his expertise and talent toward establishing a remarkable real estate career. He began by buying and rehabilitating distressed properties in South Florida and continued by establishing a number of high-end residential homes and luxury apartment communities in Florida, Pennsylvania, and other states. 


Over the past three years, he has focused more on his true passion: making quality, affordable housing accessible to all. Through on-the-job experience and continuing education, he obtained a wealth of knowledge about efficient, cost-effective construction techniques. He explained he uses less expensive construction materials and highly-efficient design and building strategies to cut costs without cutting corners. 


In 2019, Hankin Homes completed its first five affordable new construction projects. Stuart Hankin is proud to announce there are already more projects in the works for 2020 as well. 


Visit Stuart Hankin’s website to learn more about affordable homes:

